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Social Currencies
Social Currency Total Coins
Social Currency Play Coins
Social Currency Buy Coins
Total Balance Play Coins

How It Works:

1.Add Social Currency.Choose limitless type of activity options from your favourite social network and pay deposit.

2.Choose the challenge Game you'd like to play.

3.Once deposit is paid , you’ll get Social Currency Play Coins for this game .

4.Play your favourite game.For every win you get play coins,for loss,your balance get deducted.

5.Your social currency won’t be active in games market for 2 days . You can buy it with won coins and get back your deposit . Then you can buy other social currencies. After these 2 days , if you haven’t bought your own currency , other players will be able to buy it and challenge you to make this activity .

6.If player ,refuse to record/screenshot their lost social currency,you'll get their deposit and can choose to buy different virtual coins/item.

7.Record your screen easily with 1 click.Use the video/screenshot for social currency fun activities.


Even if you lose deposit /refuse to make social network activity in case you're challenged ,nothing to worry about. You've played your favourite game and had the opportunity to challenge other players all over the world . Most of deposits are small /affordable but why not make fun social activity so you can save it and have fun experience in the meantime.

(50 % amount is Deposit which will be returned if you buy your own currency from Market or if you are challenged and sent video/screen shot).Once Currency Converted,nobody can buy it from you for 2 days.
Please check How it Works pages for more information of process steps.

Total Balance Currency Name Social currency option Description
From User To User Game Name Social Currency option Social Currency Real Money Challenge Game Description Media Action
From User To User Game Name Social Currency Real Money Description
From User To User Game Name Social Currency Real Money Description Received Clip